Publicly Identifying with Christ
You are a believer in Christ who has heard the Gospel message, the message of salvation, and responded with faith in the Son of God. Throughout the centuries of the Christian church, baptism has been the sign of identifying with Christ publicly. It is the next step for someone who has given his or her life to Christ. It's commanded for all believers (Matthew 28:19–20), and it is to be a sign portraying death to sin and resurrection to new life in Christ (Rom 6:1–4). If you are a believer in Christ who is interested in becoming baptized at Emmanuel, we are eager to celebrate your life in Christ!
Baptism Q&A
Why Do We Baptize?
In order as a church to publicly affirm and illustrate a believer’s union with Christ. Jesus commanded us to make disciples of all nations and to “baptize them in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit” (Matt 18:20). The church’s responsibility, then, is to baptize believers. Through baptism, we publicly recognize and affirm their faith in Christ, union with Him, and membership in the body.
Who Should Be Baptized?
Every Christian should be baptized. It is a command for all believers, and should be one of the first acts of obedience for a new Christian. Since baptism is a public profession of faith in Christ and identification with His death and resurrection life, no one should be baptized who does not consider himself or herself to be a Christian. Throughout the New Testament, the biblical authors assumed that their readers were baptized (Rom 6:3, Gal 3:27, 1 Cor 1:13, Col 2:12). The consistent NT pattern involved hearing (the Gospel), believing, and being baptized (Acts 2:37–41; Acts 8:35–36).
How Do We Baptize At Emmanuel?
The word “baptize” found in the New Testament refers to immersing someone or something completely in water. This is reflected in biblical examples of water baptism (John 3:23, Acts 8:36). Furthermore, the act of baptism is said to illustrate the believer’s death, burial, and resurrection with Christ (Rom 6:1–4). Therefore, at Emmanuel, we baptize by immersion, symbolically picturing a believer’s union with Christ, death, burial, and resurrection to new spiritual life. Those seeking membership at Emmanuel should be baptized or should have been previously baptized by immersion.
How Do I Get Baptized?
If you would like to be baptized at Emmanuel, we recommend signing up for one of our next baptism classes or reach out to our elders (elders@ebcraleigh.com). Since membership and baptism are often linked biblically and theologically, taking steps to become baptized may also coincide with taking steps to become a member. It is therefore recommended for non-members who wish to be baptized at Emmanuel to also apply for membership.